What Is A Business Energy Broker?


A business energy broker is more than somebody just getting the prices, a good energy broker will also act as a business energy consultant by pointing clients in the right direction.

They will be aware of what market conditions are like and will usually be able to undercut the prices received directly from a supplier. The other roles of an energy broker include; understanding the nature of the business they are quoting for and how each product can be tailored to the exact needs of the client.

A business energy broker will know their role inside out and be able to negotiate with all the available suppliers. To guarantee their client the best price and service overall.

It is essential that a business energy broker is knowledgeable on how business works and that they take time to understand what a client is trying to achieve with their purchasing policy.

An energy brokers business depends on the empathy they can provide to their client. If a business energy broker can see pitfalls coming, they should always be prepared to provide their view if it will be beneficial for the business. They should also be honest, and be able to answer any supply-based questions.

Generally, commercial prices are less than domestic prices, therefore a business energy broker should highlight this to the client and be able to explain how the energy system works e.g. the generation and distribution, metering, invoicing, billing and contract procedures. They should also have knowledge of billing practices, direct debits and other methods of payment.

It is important that a business energy broker is always well presented, cheerful, and eager to please the client. It’s a simple approach that helps establish a rapport between client and broker.

All prices and comparisons should be easy to understand and presented clearly and concisely. If a business is a partnership it is essential to be able to establish the full names, addresses and dates of birth of the partners. If it is a limited company, a company registration number should be located. A broker and consultant should also keep records of conversations if necessary.

If a good business broker does all the above things they will usually get a fair chance of repeat business!

Are you looking for a business energy broker? Get in touch with our team at Central Power today.

Image source: Unsplash


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