Should I Switch Business Energy Broker?


Are you getting your value for money from your commercial energy broker?

An energy broker business is no different to most service-led businesses, because although the client relationship is an integral part of the service if you are not getting value then why retain their services?

Business energy brokers UK wide will generally receive the same prices from a supplier. They will then add their fee for providing their services (this could be added to the supplier’s prices or invoiced separately to the client), and you then arrive at the total cost of arranging your contract via that particular commercial energy broker. Therefore, the prices you may receive can be influenced by the amount of the broker fees added.

If you have been with the same broker for a period of time, here is a question for you,  are they providing the same level of service as when they first met you?

It’s not uncommon for service levels to drop over time and you then just become a number to your broker. A commercial energy broker should be being proactive and not waiting for you to contact them when it’s contract renewal time.

Does your broker contact you on a regular basis to ensure that they are abreast of changes within your business that might affect your energy needs or your energy costs or your carbon footprint?

The commercial environment of a business rarely stays the same for very long. You may be opening another site or expanding an existing one, your broker should be giving consideration to how this will impact your energy demands and advise you on the best way to encompass these changes. This should ensure the best cost and efficiency outcomes.

Does your broker make you aware of these changes and assist you in ensuring you are compliant?

Changes to legislation around energy compliance happen from time to time. Not being compliant can be costly and you are also missing out on the opportunity to tell your customers, which could be giving you a competitive advantage against your competition.

We at Central Power pride ourselves on being a proactive and forward-thinking energy broker business. Give us a call on 01746 335346 and find out what you could be missing out on!

 Image Source: Pixabay


What Is A Business Energy Broker?


Managing Your Business Energy Costs.